A site dedicated to living donation for both the donor and recipient
Donating one of your kidneys is an important decision. Choosing to become an organ donor is a very personal decision. This informative site helps potential kidney donors make an informed decision. Your generosity will enrich the lives of many people.
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Before the donation
You wish to donate a kidney to a loved one. It is important to ask yourself the right questions and be familiar with the different steps of the living donation process to make the wisest choice possible.
Can you donate one of your kidneys? Are you healthy enough? What is the entire process of donating a kidney? What are the costs involved and are they covered? What are the various tests you will have to go through? These are all important questions to ask yourself before you begin the process.
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After the donation
Following the donation, several questions need to be asked. Will I be reimbursed for expenses incurred? Will there be any psychological consequences because of this gesture? Will my insurance coverage change?
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For the recipient
For the recipient, a new kidney is synonymous with a regained quality of life, but also with the obligation to take daily anti-rejection medication and the potential psychological consequences related to this new reality.
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